I’m f*cked... I think

I’m late by over a week now and I have the sore titties, weird cravings, really really bad cramps for the last 6 days, and 1 and half positive tests. (Half cuz one test just showed me a line and A half somehow) tf am I sposed to do? Would plan b work at this point?

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Posted at
Plan B work before the baby is conceived, the only pill that is gonna work now is an abortion pill


Posted at
It is time to talk to your parents or caregiver, no matter how much you do not want to do that.Plan B only works before you conceive. It is not an abortion pill.


Anaji • Sep 13, 2020
I’m 18 I posted in this group by accident but I haven’t lived with parents in years. Thanks for the answer I wouldn’t have known that cuz people have told me it worked 😬


Posted at
Plan be is a waste of money this late into it. Only thing to end it at this point is abortion


Courtney • Sep 13, 2020


Posted at
Plan B usually stops or makes ovulation later I'm pretty sure. (Hence it works better in the 72 hour time period). If you would like to terminate the pregnancy it would be best that you go to a clinic now. I don't know your state or country, but I know Texas has strict limits on the time. Good luck to you!


Posted at
Yal shouldnt encourage her to the point to have an abortion this may be tough on you but u layed down and got pregnant so u shoukd deal wit it yhe adult way talk to somebody about options maybe durin this pregnancy u nay have a different outlook n feel a different emotion just think because killin your bby by abortion may hurt u later on the grief just thinkn about it so talk to someone your not alone and whatever u decide after is your choice no judging your not alone