Would you be mad?

So I have this friend, we’ll call her “Jane”. We actually went to high school together but we never really started like hanging out & talking that much until about a year ago (we’re 23 & 24). We both have kids - I have a 2 year old & a 4 month old she has a 5 year old & a 1 year old.

Lately she’s been venting about being broke all the time & I’m so over it because here’s the thing:

Her & her boyfriend just bought, not one - but two, junk trucks to fix up with their rent money.

“Jane” is the only one working. Her boyfriend literally just sits at home & plays video games when he’s supposed to be watching their kids.

She refuses to get any help. I’ve told her multiple times if they’re struggling that hard they can get rental assistance, food stamps, WIC for her 1 year old - there’s all kinds of programs. But she will not apply for any.

But here’s my tipping point: she told me last week how she hasn’t eaten in days because she’s giving what food they do have to the kids so they don’t go hungry. So I sent her $150 to go get groceries. Told her she didn’t have to worry about paying me back & that she would’ve done the same if I were the one in her does. Well guess who has a brand new tattoo & told our mutual friend the same story about her not eating in days because she’s giving the kids what little food they have yesterday?!

If you’re THAT broke that you can’t afford to feed your family why the FUCK are you out getting a tattoo?! I stg if she used the money I sent her for that I’m going to be absolutely livid.

Am I just being a bitch or would you be mad too??

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