Desperate for Advice.

Hey ladies. Just came on here because I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this and I’ve been really stressed out. I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years now, and we’ve been through a lot.

Just a back story, I’ve forgave him for texting other woman before, this was when we first started dating, and for little things here and there. I really wanted our relationship to work. While this doesn’t effect much now, it’s something that I never forget.

When i first met my bf, he struggled with depression and I strongly believe I brought him out of it. He talks about kids and marrying me, and how he would never ever do anything to hurt me. I 100% believe this.

We now live together with his parents and have a dog together. His father is absolutely insane and toxic, and unfortunately he has exhausted me into wanting to leave. I don’t even want to leave my room ever, and will sometimes just not eat just to avoid seeing him.

While I do love my bf very much, and I know now without a doubt that he has changed and will never do me wrong ever again, and loves me so so much, we do have our differences. His sex drive is superrrrr low compared to mine. I know sex isn’t everything, but I feel like it’s important. We barely have sex (maybe once a week, if that.) and when we do it doesn’t feel special most of the time. He doesn’t eat me out everrrr, it’s not his thing, and there’s barely any foreplay.

He is also getting into spirituality recently, and is on his phone for most of the day. It bothers me and when I tell him something it gets brushed off or he says he’s just trying to better himself, which I get but he is on it for more than half of the day, and all night. We also argue over stupid things regarding spirituality because we don’t always have the same opinion.

What I’m trying to get to is I feel like I am falling out of love. I’ve tried leaving him before and I always end up feeling guilted into staying. He would cry and say how he doesn’t know what he will do without me. I feel bad thinking about leaving him, to deal with his father alone and maybe even go into depression again because of me. And now I feel like I can’t just leave randomly. I’m afraid of breaking his heart, and mine, even though I know its for the best for me.

Is there any advice anyone can give me. I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to get any deeper if I know I’m not going to be happy. I love him so much but I feel like we are better apart.