I have no idea what my race is lol

This sounds like a joke but it’s true. I am originally from Portugal and have no idea what to define as... my black friends would say I am white, my white friends would say I’m hispanic and some other people just think I’m “mixed” from different backgrounds...

I took a DNA test and the results said I am 15% west african, 15% ashkenazi jewish 5% north african and 65% Iberian - the results just made me more confused

If I try and look white (like dyeing my hair blonde) people will say I’m ashamed of where I am from, but if I tried to braid my hair people would say I’m black-fishing, if I wear ear hoops people think I’m trying to be ghetto - it’s a nightmare 🤯🤯

What should I define as? What is ok for me to do without culturally appropriating anyone? 😖 Why is this so hard?