How to get over someone???

So 2 years ago this guys asked me out and at the time I didn’t like him so I rejected him. However, I caught feelings for him again that same year, and then I started hating him. I hated him because I guess he dated one of my friends and then the same day they broke up he asked me out. Recently though, I can’t stop thinking about him. I’m not thinking about him in a romantic way though. I don’t know how to explain it, I can’t keep him out of my head and I get nervous around him but I don’t like him at all and I would be absolutely disgusted if we ever did anything romantic. I don’t even find him or his personality attractive. Whenever I listen to certain songs I think of him, I think of him when I watch certain shows, he’s just like ingrained into my mind and I hate it. I want to break free from it but idk how to do it. Plz help me I’m so sick of him.