Would you be mad?

So I put down my availability anytime before 5 this saturday. My manager which is my uncle put me down before 5. Which is cool. I go back on the app two days later and he switched our shifts. So I’m working the time I put as I’m not available. So I asked him and he said that he has to go do something and if he doesn’t go he’ll get in trouble by my aunt. So I was like okay well I had plans to be out of town that time and I literally requested off around that time and I can work anytime before that. I look at the schedule and there’s like no way I can swap shifts with anyone because the hours don’t match. So I had to let these people know I can’t make your wedding because my job switched my shifts. I’m upset about it because if it was any other employee he probably wouldn’t have done that. But maybe I’m being a drama queen.

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