Expected ovulation day!!

Nikoletta • 4/23/12❤ Mommy to an Angel baby as of September 7th, 2018 at 10 wks 👼 TTC Rainbow baby💛

I took a few ovulation tests over the last week. And according to Glow today's the expected day. Out of the blue I started spotting so 🤞 it's ovulation spotting, as we BD last night and the day before. Feeling a like this might just be our month!!

Tomorrow starts the TWW!!

Baby dust to all of y'all 💕 This cycle will be our cycle!

Edit: So apparently what I thought was a positive ovulation test on my ovulation day according to Glow. Was in fact not. So yesterday morning I woke up disappointed that maybe A.) I dont ovulate B.) Ovulated sooner than I thought or C.) I didn't infact ovulate yet. So I took another ovulation test and low an behold this one was definitely holding the same color in both lines.

Not sure if we actually hit this ovulation spot on, but I'm truly praying we did.

Last night he came home from work we ordered dinner and had a little movie date at home. I hoped in the shower and threw on this sexy black lace one piece that I bought for vacation. The one thing I didn't wear for him on vacation 🤦🏼‍♀️

So I fix my hair, check to make sure my mascara didn't turn me into a black eyed crazy lady in the shower. Covered myself with a towel because I heard him in the hallway and wanted to surprise him😂 I opened the door and dropped that towel!

He looks at me and says "get your fine ass in the bedroom"

Say no more!