Is anyone else’s boyfriend like this?

I needed to drop my car off at the mechanic, which was only 4 minutes away from my boyfriend’s house down one straight road. My boyfriend asked his dad if he could follow us and then take us back home since it’s so close and he said yes.

My boyfriend made this situation so much more stressful than it needed to be. He woke up at 6:30 and was still getting ready past 8:00 when I was supposed to drop it off. Why should he need over an hour and a half just to come with me to drop off my car. I wanted him to check to see if he left anything in my car before I dropped it off since he often leaves stuff in there, he didn’t have to come in with me or anything.

Then as we are driving, my boyfriend is super anxious that my driving is bad and that his dad will be upset. He kept sighing and facepalming because a person behind me was tailing me so I had to switch lanes and he told ME I was causing HIM anxiety.

Is anyone else’s boyfriend like this? I can’t take it anymore

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