
I honestly just need to vent for a second, I feel so alone. I’m a first time mom and I live with my boyfriend and his parents. I also am breastfeeding, but my baby will only latch with a nipple shield. Every time I bring him downstairs my boyfriends mom stands over my shoulder and stares at him, is constantly asking me questions, trying to touch him, trying to hold him. I still really haven’t adjusted yet and she honestly makes me kind of uncomfortable and I’m very anxious when anyone other than my boyfriend or myself is holding my baby. I spend my entire day in my bedroom just to avoid her. I wake up as early as I can so I get downstairs before she wakes up so I can get a coffee and some food. The only time I’m downstairs is when my boyfriend is home and with me, as thats just how I feel the most comfortable. She always try’s to make me feel guilty about me not bringing him downstairs to see her. Also, right now, if he’s not asleep he wants to be on my boob, which is fine, no problem. But I can’t even be downstairs while my boyfriend makes dinner because I feel like I can’t feed him in front of anyone but him. I have a cover and my baby won’t eat when it’s over him, it gets too hot, the nipple shield is also hard to keep on while trying not to suffocate him with my boob or the cover. And the entire time she just sits there and watches me and I feel so judged. I’m having such a hard time with my feelings and emotions. I feel so trapped.