A big move?

For context, I’m 19 and my boyfriend is 28.

We’ve been together about a year and have had a fairly average relationship.

His mother died a few months ago and left him quite a bit of money. He has decided that he doesn’t have enough family or friends left here to really be tied down. He was thinking of buying a duplex here (Colorado) but he has been looking into houses in new jersey.

During a 3am talk last night he explained to me how he’s been looking into these houses in jersey and how he’ll be so close to his friends/extended family.

I do not have any connections to anyone near that area. I only have one other friend who im not overly close to and a couple family members here (that I don’t really all that like) that may possibly move away in the next year regardless because we’re originally from Illinois where all of my actual family is.

So family and friends wouldn’t really be an issue if I would to decide to move to a different state again. I’ve already picked up and moved to a whole new state once.

I guess the issue would only lie with the theory I don’t think this is my forever partner. We currently don’t live together and never have came close to it. We could have our own bedrooms and spaces in this new house if we wanted. It’s three levels and rather nice. But I’m just not sure if it would be wise to move to somewhere I dont know with someone I’m not sure will last for many more years. I would obviously have to leave my job and find a new one so I would be financially dependent on him for awhile as i don’t have a large savings (just about a month worth of living if I were to ever get randomly fired) so I couldn’t exactly just leave him if we break up quickly after. We don’t really fight but we have some different point of views of the world. I don’t quite always like his. He has never wanted to live together before but we would have to in this situation. I’ve always wanted to be able to build a life with someone, live together and be able to focus on school to better our careers. This sounds like the perfect chance to but I’m still kinda concerned. I would feel better if this was my husband or even boyfriend for at least three years but it’s only been one. He’s not my soul mate but he makes me happy and we could build a new life together somewhere pretty exciting. Just not sure if it’s wise to.

Long story short: boyfriend of a year wants to move to a different state. I don’t believe he’s my forever but we’re pretty fine for each other right now. We have never lived together and won’t be leaving much behind. How terrible of an idea is it?

Edit: I’ve told him fairly recently actually that I don’t believe he’s my forever and why. He knows.