Ehhhh stuck sunny side up :/

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

Well, Ive got all the GBS antibiotics in. Ive had the maximum 3 doses of Fentanal. Dr came in and broke my waters but Im stuck at around a 7. While he was doing that he noticed baby is sunny side up and prodded around and poked and nudged to see if he could get her to rotate,, no luck.. Contractions have being weird as hell. They go from super consistent to spaced out but they are all painful. No epidural, meds have worn off so Im basically just waiting. Im not sure what the plan is but I'm kinda freaking out that her being in this position is going to lead to idk, forceps or something, its definitely seeming to stall things. No one has mentioned a c section and Im not going to bring it up! Anyways send me some good labor vibes ladies. This baby has seriously decided to take her sweet ass time!