Baby tantrums


So my baby is 13.5months today and has become a handful. We used to have a well behaved boy who was happy with whatever. Lately, however, he has started to scream or cry loudly when he doesnt get his way. He will not sit still and runs off when we want him to stay. He gets upset when we tell him no and then does it anyway. The worst are diaper changes. He used to love being changed. Recentely, changing a diaper became a struggle. He wont lie still, usually will crawl off or throw a tantrum when he does have to stay still. I have asked daycare and they told me he is perfectly happy there but he is the most difficult one of his age group to change the diaper, acting much more like 2y olds than a 1y old. He has clear seperation anxiety and gets super upset when I am working from home without being with him (as my mom or my father in law watch him then instead). Please tell me this is a phase that all our babies are going through (growth or development spurt). Plus, do you raise your voice to your baby or stay calm and keep saying no and redirecting them? I am a first time mom who has seen with other kids that doing discipline the wrong way affects the child greatly in the long run so I dont want to mess it up