Small Rant about a job

Destinee • 💜 🌺 TTC my first child, 22 🌺💜 Fur momma to a Belgian Malinois

I interviewed for a job yesterday as a maid. I gave the woman my whole life story and told her how chaotic my last two weeks have been and that I needed something stable with us moving and all of that. She asked me about allergies etc.. I told her I had seasonal allergies.. as in when the weather changes..

Fast forward she and I agree I could "start" her words were come in and fill the paperwork out in the morning and we might place you in the afternoon.

Fast forward to this morning when I show up at 8:00 a.m.. my nose is stuffy because the weather has been changing here for the past two days..

after everyone leaves she tells me that I should probably go home because I'm not making a good first impression because I my nose was stuffed and I didn't look 100% ready to go ...

like I'm sorry I can't control the weather, and that me having a stuffy nose means that I cannot work...

I told her I felt ready to go and that it was just a stuffy nose, she said she decided that I felt good enough if I can work or not..

she made a comment about my life being chaotic when I just told her everything that was happening yesterday...

I keep jumping job to job because of stupid reasons.. I need this job, but I don't understand how to show up to work 100%, nobody goes to work feeling 100%, and happy with a smile on their face at 8:00 a.m...