Is this normal for newborns?

When do I need to start setting a routine with my baby? She is currently 2 weeks and 3 days old.

A lot of people have said not to do anything right now since she is so young.

Some have some to start a routine.

Which one do I do? Since she was born, she has changed up on me a lot when it comes to her sleeping habits. She was up till 3-4 am her first week. Then during the second week, she would sleep through the night but I’d wake up 1-2 times cause she was hungry. Then some nights she would sleep 6-7 hours and then wake up.

Her sleep is so erratic, and I wish it would get better real soon.

Also, last night was awful. She just cried and cried. We tried to feed her, she took the bottle (and was drinking it like she was real hungry). But then she wouldn’t be content. She was still giving us hunger cues and so we fed her more. And then she still seemed hungry. And we were thinking, we done gave her so many oz, surely she isn’t hungry anymore. Then she pooped and stopped crying. She fell asleep for 5 minutes and then woke up and cried. We tried everything. Eventually we just had to lay her down her bassinet and give her the pacifier. We were gonna let her cry it out, but she finally fell asleep. It took us from 8 pm to nearly 2 am to get her to go to sleep. It was awful.

I wish I had all the answers. I know she’s only 17 days old, and hasn’t gotten out of the 6 week range yet (everyone has been telling me it gets better after 6 weeks) but I am exhausted. 😭