Am I pregnant again? 😱


Our son just turned 4 months, and now I feel I might be pregnant again. I don’t know what to feel right now, I love my son so much, but I’m not sure I’m ready for another baby just yet. We definitely want at least another one, and we don’t want them too far apart, but OMG can my body handle another pregnancy already?

We will love this baby so much (if there is one), no doubt about it! But I feel a bit worried and also guilt for my son, that he would have to grow up to be a big brother just when he turns one.. can I handle two very small babies?

At the same time I feel very lucky and humble to be able to give my son a sibling (IF I’m pregnant)..

I guess I’m just worried and need support.. and also other eyes to look at my pregnancy test 👀

(I’m probably only 8 dpo..)

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