Family disappointed with gender

So this is our first baby and my sister has 3 beautiful little girls were super close and my husband and I just found out we’re having a little princess! I’m so excited about this, but we’re revealing to our friends and family on oct 4th

My dads gf keeps saying how she hopes it a boy bc my dad deserves a grandson and it’s really rude especially because I know it’s a girl, but the whole time she was saying how he already has 3 grand daughters so he needs a boy. My mother in law this is her first grand child she’s been saying since day one she thinks it’s a boy and calling it a boy which is equally as annoying.

So many friends keep saying I hope it’s a boy since your sister has 3 girls!

Only my husband and I know and now I feel like they will be disappointed instead of happy at our gender reveal and it’s our first baby and what my sister already has should have no bearing on the excitement for our first baby.. anyone else feel this way about announcing gender? Again I wanted a little girl and I’m over the moon and now I feel sad like they won’t be excited.