No induction with GD diagnosis?


Has anybody been able to avoid an induction with a GD diagnosis?

I'm 100% diet controlled and baby is measuring right near the 50th percentile. I've only gained 17 lbs thus far. I haven't had one high reading and I'm 34 weeks. I know numbers can rise as you get further along but my numbers are borderline low. My dietician has had my up my carbs to 60 for lunch and dinner and 30 for snacks because of some lower readings. She even said I was likely not able to handle the 100mg drink since I barely eat refined sugar or carbs in my normal, non-pregnancy diet and my body just couldn't process the sugar inundation. I failed the 1 hour draw by 3 points and was right on the max for my 2 hour draw.

Thoughts? I really want to avoid induction.