Spicy vagina


So a few nights ago my boyfriend was being super sweet and decided to make me dinner, both of us love some spice in our food so he decided to add some jalapeno. He washed his hands after as one does after handling food. Later that evening things started to get heated (and I mean heated) and he starts fingering me. All of a sudden I'm like, oh that's different but I didn't say anything cus it was the heat of the moment and I'm feeling good. About a minute later I'm like okay this is strange what is going on so I get him to stop. Let me tell you it was spicy all up in all the bits. I have never laughed so hard in my life though.

I have been dying to tell someone but all my friends don't like talking about stuff like this. I thought someone in here might enjoy it.

Ps. My vagina is fine I got in a cold bath right away and put some aloe on it after.