Is this normal

So my cockapoo just turned 8. We got him when I still lived with my parents before I was married. I didn’t take him with me because that was his home. My husband and I moved 2 hrs away. My parents got a divorce so now my mom and my dog live in an apt. I see them once a month for the most part but it kills me that I’m missing most of my dogs life.

He isn’t like any other dog I’ve ever known. My husband and I have 2 dogs and my first dog is just different. He is pure love and pure joy and soo so wise. He is literally an angel on earth I can’t even put into words the love I have for him. I would take a bullet for him any day. I would give my life to him in a split second. But that love gives me soo much anxiety. Every morning that I wake up my first thought is it’s one day closer to the end of his life. Every night I think one less day that he’s with us. It’s unhealthy I know and now that he turned 8 It’s even worse.

He is in the best place with my mom. My mom literally treats him like a king. She loves him more than anything. Cooks only organic for him, spends all her free time with him, she even sets her alarm 10min early every morning so she could kiss and cuddle him extra. 😆 but idk how to get rid of that anxiety that every passing moment is a moment lost of his life. 😭