SAHM guilt

I’ve been a SAHM since February, I found out I was pregnant with my second child and then Covid happened. It’s been a very hard adjustment to not even go grocery shopping. We haven’t had a date night since January and I haven’t seen any friends since February. Im home all day with my 18 month old. My husband works from home 630am -5pm most days. He does a lot to help around the house like dishes, dinner, vacuum... but now that I’m 35 weeks pregnant I’ve been irritable, exhausted and napping when my son naps. I asked him to give him a bath the other night (usually I do it) bc I was so sick and sore..

Well, today he made a few snide comments about me only being in charge of like 3 things around the house and I started to cry. Then he got mad bc I was crying.

Like should I push myself to do more around the house which is pretty impossible to do with a toddler anyways nvm being pregnant? I’ve basically given up trying to eat well myself and exercise bc I legit have no time or energy so I just feel like a fat, lazy, irritable b!tch.