If I got my withdrawal bleed/“period” on the pill is that a good indicator that I’m not pregnant ?

This is my second pack on the pill and I feel like ass my boobs stomach and everything hurt and I’m worried we used condoms too

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Idk who voted no but having your withdrawal bleed is a good indicator because if you werePregnant you wouldn’t bleed. The egg would need all the blood and uterus lining so you wouldn’t have a bleed. You could experience spotting but if you’re bleeding that’s a good sign you’re not pregnant. You would miss your bleed if you were pregnant


Jess • Sep 17, 2020


an727 • Sep 17, 2020
I spotted for 7 days and got 6 days of heavy bleeding I heard that’s normal on the pill to right ?


Jess • Sep 17, 2020
Also if it’s only your second pack and you use condoms as well then it’s probably your pills still giving you side effects because it takes about 3-6 months for side effects to clear up