EBF Mommas...


How long does your baby nurse for on average?

We went to H's 2 month appt and she was 11lbs 2.6oz, which is great (she was 9lbs 13oz at 1 month), but her pediatrician expected to gain a little more and we have to do a weight check at 3 months to make sure she's following her own growth curve.

Anyway... I decided to track her feedings. She eats every 1-3 hours during the day and sleeps 4-5 hour stretches at night. But she's only latching 6-12 minutes on average.

Is that normal? Sometimes I feel like a FTM all over again.

I couldn't ask my pediatrician about it because I stopped tracking feeds as soon as we left the hospital and didn't have the info for her at the appointment.