Birth control or no?


I’ve been teetering back and forth on making a decision. Backstory: I started on birth control when I was 14 at that point it was for my horrible periods then later on I used it for what it’s mostly intended for. At about age 23 almost 24 I decided I didn’t want to be on birth control anymore and I also wanted to start trying for babies at the time I was in a committed relationship still am just with someone different. When me and my current significant other got together about 2 years ago at first we hadn’t talked about kids obviously but since it was a new relationship we didn’t want to take any chances so I got back on birth control. After about 6 months of that I was done with birth control so for the remainder of that year we used condoms+the pull out method+natural family planning and it worked. At the beginning of this year/last part of last year we decided that we wanted to start trying. By the third cycle (February) we found out we were pregnant. 😍 Fastfoward to now the doctors are asking me if I want to go on birth control. On one hand I really enjoyed not being on hormonal birth control and using other methods of contraception and would really like to go that route again. But on the other hand I really don’t want to get pregnant soon after I give birth plus we already will have 2 (he has a daughter from a past relationship this will be my first) when baby boy arrives so we don’t now if we even want anymore. Also idk if I’ll be freaking out every month I’m late lol. I’ve really considered doing depo because I plan on breastfeeding and plus with a newborn I might forget to take the mini pill on time. It’s getting closer and closer to my due date and idk what to do!