Please help! Newborn urination question!

Baby was born on the 15th. She peed once late that night and also pooped a ton. Then she peed a tiny bit in the middle of the night last night. I asked her nurse about it and she stated that it was fairly normal especially sense my milk has not come in yet. I was cleaning her up right now, diaper change and all, shes still dry. But her genitals are extremely swollen witch I remember was the same for my other 2 daughters, there's tons of discharge but her urethra looks extremly swollen as well! Can anyone tell me if this is normal or if you've had a baby that hasn't urinated much the first 3 days? I tried to call Labor and Deliverynandnthey would not even listen to my question, they told me to call her pediatrician, well I was discharged this afternoon and have yet to make an appt. I called the office anyways and explained the situation to the person and they said they couldn't help either and to call the hospital where I had her.

Baby has no fever. Shes nursing fine. She does fuss and cry when I wipe her down there but stops when Im done.

I dont know what to do.