American Circumcision

Chelsie • Isla June ‘16 💖 Lachlan Dec ‘18 💙 Maisie 💕 Dec ‘20 - born to Jesus @ 30wks umbilical cord accident 3️⃣👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 Dec ‘17 March ‘18 May ‘20 (7wks)

If you have Netflix... check out this documentary.

My midwife asked me when I was pregnant with my son... “Are you planning to circumcise?” To which I responded, “I don’t know probably I guess?” She said “Well feel free to look into it. It is not medically necessary.”

So I did. And I encourage you to too. Don’t make this decision without knowing why you are doing it or aren’t. is a good place to start with some research if you are interested.