Therapy advice

I was previously in a relationship with a narcissistic abuser and I am having immense trouble moving on from my situation, my now amazing fiancé however is triggered when I get triggered because his last serious relationship was toxic as well (she cheated on him because she wasn’t happy with the relationship) I know it makes him panic to see me in so much pain because he’s always worried it’s something he has done wrong when really it could be something as simple as him laying on my lap. I know that if I want our future marriage to work I have to get some help and he probably could use some too but I don’t know where to start. I know I need a therapist but do I need it for abuse anxiety or should we go to couples council. I know I was abused and have anxiety because of my past experience but I feel like I don’t fit into any exact category. I want to move on and be happy but how do you even find a good therapist? I live in Ohio if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.