Can someone explain to me what the hell I did wrong?

So my baby daddy said he’s gonna take over the night shift last night, cool whatever. 1am rolls around and I notice my son is awake so I ask him to make bottles, he says okay then gives my son spoiled milk (that I realize whenever I wake up an hour later) and they fall back to sleep. He didn’t change his diaper or even make our 3 kids bottles.

2:40am rolls around and my daughter is awake at her typical time, so I ask him to make a bottle and he gets pissed off, puts his hand up to hit me as if he’s trying to scare me, tells me to keep the noise down (wasn’t yelling) and I tell him that he had no place to be putting his hands on me or even threatening to, but gets up and makes her a bottle, comes back to the room and puts her on the bed and goes outside to the garage (for god knows how long since I ended up falling asleep) and he smokes his weed. I ended up making sippy cups for my sons (twins) and changing all diapers and we fall back to sleep.

This morning he wakes up and heats up left over pizza to give to the kids, cool. But he wanted to feed our 1 and 2 year olds on the bed, clean sheets and comforter.. So I’m like “No dude you’re not gonna feed them on the bed, they’re messy.” So he then says “where do I put them at then?” so I remind him that he can put them on the floor in our room or their high chair. So he gets all defensive and tells me to watch how I’m talking and to have respect, so I look at him crazy and I say, “Respect?” Didn’t you threaten to hit me knowing I’m 30 weeks pregnant and for literally no reason but you want respect?” And he gets mad and takes the kids to the living room and starts telling his cousin how I’m “always starting shit in the mornings” etc..

so I yelled out “Tell them the whole story, tell them that you wanted to hit me”..

*** Yes, if he puts his hands on me I’ll be calling the cops, let alone while I’m pregnant.. That’s a felony***

But i asked him if were still taking the kids out on a drive today and he says “I’m not doing shit with you” like I’m the issue? Someone help pinpoint where the fuck I went wrong at cause I’m confused?