Is this a sign that he’s not the one or am I overthinking?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, we’re 22 and 23. He’s my first serious relationship and he treats me better than anyone else has treated me in the past. He’s so kind and loving towards me, always puts me first no matter the circumstances and he makes me so happy. We often have small talks about our future together, when we first started dating we talked about kids and marriage to see if we were on the same page. I never really thought of getting married before, I didn’t care much about that and he said he wouldn’t want to get married which I was fine with. As our relationship progressed we both started changing our minds on that topic, and he even told his family that one day (not anytime soon as we both agreed) he’d want to marry me. They were surprised as they knew he didn’t want to get married before and he was like yeah well she changed my mind on that. He also always expresses how he can’t wait until we move in together (I live with my parents as I’m in college and work part time so I couldn’t afford living and moving out) and he lives on his own. He makes me so happy and I can really see myself growing old with him, he fills my heart with so much happiness. We’ve never even argued, we always get along and talk things out.

However, there are times when he does annoy or irritates me which is normal and is nothing bad, it’s usually over small stuff like I wanna watch a film and he keeps talking to me 🤣 and that’s when my mind goes “could I put up with this for the rest of my life? Do I really want this?” then I feel bad for even thinking that and I get upset because I know how much he means to me and that’s when I start overthinking everything. So I’m asking you ladies, is this a sign that he’s not the one or is it normal? My mind rarely jumps to that, but when it does I feel like such a horrible girlfriend for even thinking it. I really want him to be the first thing I see when I wake up everyday, he makes my days so much happier and I’m so thankful to have him in my life

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