One More Complaint


One more complaint (sorry I literally have no one to talk to) is my mother’s rude comments about my stomach. I am 9 months pregnant and every time she see me she has to laugh at how big she thinks my stomach is and tell me how huge it is and touch it without asking. I saw her yesterday and kept my mouth shut while she did all that and then again today she has to do the exact same thing. Like, why? It’s so freaking rude. Obviously I have a large stomach, I’m 9 months pregnant. Actually, my midwives and most people comment that it’s petite. Which doesn’t matter either way, it’s rude to tell someone they are massive. Shut the f up unless you are telling a pregnant person they look great, don’t comment. Yesterday she also took her boyfriends hand and without asking me out it on my stomach and told him to feel it. Talk about awkward! Like this is my body thank you. Picture of my massively enormous stomach at 38.1 weeks 🙄