Pelvic pain when standing.


I’m 21 weeks and 4 days with my third baby boy, I’ve been having a lot of pelvic bone pain the last couple weeks. I feel his movements very low, but when I stand for longer than like 10 minutes I start feeling a ton of pain down there, a crampy pain. Almost like pressure, but it’s painful. My second baby was 9 pounds 13 oz (he’s 19 months now, so not much time for my body to recover fully) and I’m wondering if that could be a part of it. I know for a fact this baby will be big, which freaks me out so bad. I don’t have another appointment until October 9th, but I didn’t know if it’s something I should be concerned about or maybe I need to try certain exercises. I don’t know, all I know is it is painful to stand and do the dishes 😅