New manager


So I have a new manager that is really strict and annoying. She basically came up to me and told me I needed to wear gloves while I was on the phone. I told her I was trained to wear gloves only when dealing with food (btw I have acrylics on). She told me I needed to wear gloves no matter what cuz it can go in someone’s food. It kinda upsetted me cuz my main job isnt to deal with food it’s to answer phone calls. I looked it up on google and it even said every restraunts policy is to wear gloves only when dealing w food. Is she on crack? Also she yelled at me for not bagging the wings but none of my other co-workers bag the wings and we weren’t trained to bag wings. She kinda acted like I was supposed to know to bag those things. Wouldn’t that be a hazard to bag wings and put them in a hot ass oven? NOT TO MENTION I WAS TAKING A CUSTOMERS ORDER AND SHE TOLD ME TO HURRY OFF THE PHONE. That was the most disrespectful thing that has ever happened to meeee.