To text or not to text...

I have been talking to this guy for the last three months now, nothing official yet, but he’s always sends his good mornings texts and pretty much we’ve always reciprocated each other’s texts to make it short. Last night he was out with a friends we were texting here and there and at one point our conversation reached to becoming sexting messages he made this comment saying “You should never keep a man hungry 🙃” and I responded, “You’re right, but whoever is hungry will eat 😉🙃🙃.” This was in lieu to our previous conversation and as a hint saying to him well if you really want to see me you would have I guess, but in a playful wall. Any who I never got a response back and haven’t heard from him today it’s already 4pm which is rare. I want to text him, but personally I am one who sends a text for a text so not want to come out as needy and secondly, if he has not reached out because of what I said bothered him or made him upset than I rather let it be if that’s the case. But I like this guy but I don’t want to make room for him to think it’s okay to act that way or say the less, think it’s okay to not speak out on the matter if it bothers him. What should I do? I need some different perspectives and feedback because tbh on my end I’m where it’s childish and not reaching out of #2 is the reason...