Is it weird?


Do you guys think is weird that my baby is a month today and I feel like I want to be pregnant again with another kid😂

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I thought I was the only one!! I miss being pregnant sometimes and loves my experience so it makes me want to have another one especially seeing how cute my baby is I just want to have another already lol. 😆


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I go back and forth. On days she’s being super good I cry to my hubby that I want another baby so they can grow up together but on days when she’s absolutely miserable I strongly consider getting some form of birth control😂


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I had back to back pregnancies and I wouldn’t do it again. I’ve got me 2 close in age now and I’m losing my mind and it was rough on my body. You can do it though, if you want!


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I looooved being pregnant both times. But I developed postpartum preeclampsia with my second and that has scarred me. I am terrified of being pregnant again. We’re done.


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I’m exactly the same! 😂 I had a great pregnancy and I miss it so much! Definitely wouldn’t be upset if we were to have another asap!