Possible chemical but a new sense of self


So, I had a vfl (it was pink) on a frer on 14dpo. The next day I started bleeding, some clots but not bright red, kinda orangey red. Bad cramps. Stopped bleeding for a couple of hours then it started back up. Still bleeding but less cramps. Obviously we're upset. He's now away for a month with work so will miss a whole cycle of TTC. So I'm taking this month to improve myself, no tracking bbt or using opks so hopefully less stress. Going to continue with my folic acid and I'm putting myself on an exercise regime. I'm going to eat better and practice mindfulness. Hopefully by the time he's back I'll be in a better position mentally, emotionally and physically. I'm not letting this knock me down. Putting this out there so I've got accountability for my plans (I usually fail on day 1 of a new regime).

Good luck to everyone trying to conceive this month!