Is my baby teething?

My daughter has always been super mellow. We get comments all the time from people how calm she is. And she’s an amazing sleeper. She sleeps 10-12 hours at night and always has good naps through the day (she’s 7 months)

Well the last 2 days and nights she has been super fussy. She woke up from a nap yesterday just screaming and even after eating and snuggles she wouldn’t stop. She finally calmed down after another half hour.

Then last night she woke up at least 3 times just whining and squirming around her crib, shoving her hands in her mouth. I held her for a few mins to calm her down and put her back to bed.

Over these last few days she’s bringing everything right to her gums and gnawing on everything.

When I feel her gums I still don’t feel anything. It’s still smooth and normal to me. Maybe I’m missing something. She is my first baby.