Birth story emergency c-section


I went to my ob gyn for a ctg scan Sunday 20th at 41 + 5 and after examination she told me I’m 3cm dilated and having contractions even though I’d felt nothing consistent or that painful. I was admitted right away at 5.30pm. Spent the evening on the exercise ball or taking fluids and oxygen as baby’s heart rate was spiking. I was examined at midnight and was still 3cm dilated. My contractions were mild and not coming close enough. At 4.30am I was induced and from then had the onset of strong frequent contractions that made it almost impossible to move. I kept having the urge to pee but nothing would come.

I took no pain relief and used breathing exercises to get through the contractions but it was unbearable at times and I was holding on. At 8.30am I started on the gas and air and the head midwife strongly advised I take pain relief so I had an injection maybe 30mins later (perhaps methadone... I was too out of it with pain to remember but was adamant I didn’t want an epidural). It gave some relief and when contractions hit a peak, I took the gas and air rapidly. I had used it sparingly up until then afraid it would make me vomit but it didn’t. It dried my mouth out though and I took small sips of water.

By 10.30am I was 8cm dilated and medical team took a call to break my water and help me accelerate to pushing. I started pushing and dilated to 9.5cm. Then the pushing started to get baby out as baby was showing signs of stress. Pushing continued on my back and all fours but as much as I tried, baby’s head would show signs of coming out but as soon as I stopped pushing, it would recede. Doctor called for an emergency c-section as baby’s heart rate was dropping and baby was not coming through the birth canal, even though his head was otherwise engaged.

I was sped to theatre and cried out to be put under anaesthetic as I had strong contractions in those few minutes and an urge to push. Doctor wanted to use an epidural but used general anaesthetic as within seconds of being cleaned and feeling incisions, I was unconscious.

Baby was born at 11.55am and I awoke at 1pm, to be taken to my room and meet my baby.

All in all, it was a truly painful experience but then that may also be because I refused pain meds for a long time and the inducement brought on the pain thick and fast. I was so close to delivering naturally that I felt disappointed at first at having a c-sec but upon seeing my baby, I realised that it was the best decision to alleviate stress for the baby and me. Other factors I later learnt, such as umbilical cord being round baby’s neck, made a c-section the best option.

So on the day, despite the best birth plan, body and baby will progress as they see fit. I’m just grateful baby is here and healthy, thanks God, and I delivered as I was meant to.

On pain relief, breathing exercises are so important and they were all I relied on for 4hrs. But do think about the pain relief options in advance.

We are all fighters and I wish all the expectant mamas lots of luck and good wishes.