How do you potty train!! 🤷‍♀️


Heey! So my 4 year old has been having the worst time pitty training we started at 3 and just have never successfully got him to continue to go! He will go when reminded most days, some days it’s honestly mess after mess. I have tried everything bought potty training books all of it rewards no rewards showed him how exciting it is to go! Nothing works and yes I have continued to do this everyday even on days he throws tantrums and throws himself all the floor or screams! I am

Out of ideas on what to do. I have noticed these are the main times he goes 1. When he’s playing with his toys and either he doesn’t wanna stop or will do so just because he doesn’t wanna go to the potty.

2. He will hide by his closet and go when he knows I am doing dishes or laundry or caring for his sissy.

3. When we leave I have to pull up him because the minunte we leave the drive he pees and will tell me

When we’re already past home or sometimes won’t tell me at all. Even when I ask him 100 plus times if he has to go.

I have taken his tv away today since he’s made 2 accidents also I do not make the biggest deal out of accident I take him to the bathroom and say why didn’t you go on the potty? You need to use the potty. And will make him sit on the potty even though he already went. What else can I do!? I’m sorry I’m just running out of things to do!