We’re going to be MOMS again!!!

Victoria • Married 01/2013, Baby #1 Olivia born in 2016, Baby #2 due June 2021 💗 Two mom family! 🌈 @ home insemination used sperm bank, same donor! July 2020 chemical Pregnancy ended August 1st. New donor, one more try for baby #2. 👶🏼

3rd times the charm!!! 🍀 💫

June and July were cycle 1 & 2 for baby #2 using our last four vials of the same donor as our daughter.

July was a success but ended in a chemical pregnancy.

We decided on using a different donor one last time. Cycle #3 and we got our BFP yesterday at 9DPO.

(Bottom FRER test, clear blue today 10DPO)

We’re so excited and all we hope is for this baby to keep growing so our little girl can be a big sister! 💗