Best friend getting married, I don't feel safe going

Samantha • 🩷01/05/19 🩵05/27/21

My best friend asked me to be her Matron of Honor last fall before Covid. She is going ahead with her wedding which is on December 11,2020. She is inviting roughly 150 people to the wedding and reception and has invited about 40 people to her shower. I have asked her if she will require people to socially distance or wear a mask and she said no. This makes me extremely uncomfortable as my father as severe health issues and I dont want to risk his health or mine. I told her that I was wary about it all and that for sure I wouldn't be bar hopping for her bachelorette party but could still help plan the shower at least. I said I would come depending on how many rsvps we get back as a yes. She was mad but said she understands and that it would be fine. Her sister has asthma and doesn't want to be involved any more. Her mother doesn't want to go as she's worried about the amount of people as well. Her grandparents don't want to go either. Shes REFUSING to make any changes whatsoever, and I guess thats her right, but now I just found out I'm pregnant. I really dont feel comfortable with this at all. Do I just tell her at this point that I'm out? Do I wait and see? Her wedding is in a city that is the top of the list right now for percentage of positive cases. Im not looking for a debate on Covid. I believe its real and a threat and that we should be doing our part to keep each other safe, so please don't come on here trying to convince me otherwise. It won't work. How would you handle this if you were me?