Seeing my Little blipblip for the very first time. ❤️


I know it’s dumb to not have any checkups for the whole 6months but the pandemic has made me worry crazy, hence, I only got to see our GP last week. Yesterday was blood test and today is my first time seeing my little blipblip in the monitor. 🥺❤️ The feeling was quite overwhelming specially when you see that tiny heart beating normally. The first time mom in me was sooo emotional and I was just in awe while watching blipblip move in the screen. :”””) Today was also a comedy kind of experience lol. Though the one who did the ultra sound didn’t confirm yet blipblip’s gender, because she said it has grown bigger now and there are a lot of structures already, plus it’s legs are crossed so she could not see clearly to guarantee, I was told to come back by September 24, (this coming Thursday) to take new snaps for a much more clear version of scan and also to finally confirm the gender. ❤️

I already have new born’s boy and new born’s girl clothes (just to make sure 😅), but I am happy settling today that blipblip is healthy and complete. That eased all my worries away.


Have you been fantasising on your baby’s gender too? When you expected for the gender and it didn’t come out as you hoped for, how did you feel about it? 🤗❤️