Late introduction: Mason Andrew


6lbs 2oz & 19.25in

Born 9/11/2020 at 5:11pm

Due: 9/23/2020

My water broke at 1030pm the 10th. I had zero contractions (and was only 1cm dilated according to my OB, whom I had just seen that morning). We went into the hospital around 5am per the midwife. After a few hours I was put on pitocin (ouch) and labored for about two hours. When I got to about 3cm I just had to get an epidural. The contractions were one after another with no break and so painful. Once I got the epidural though, I progressed very fast from 3cm to 9cm in about an hour and a half. I labored for another hour and was finally at 10cm! I pushed for an hour and 11 minutes and Mason made his entrance with his cord wrapped around his neck. It was a scary minute or so before he starting crying and it was the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard. He is so perfect!

Oh and just a tiny tear on my labia which I asked her to stitch because I’m vain 😂