Autism signs?

Has anyone thought their 12 month old may have autism but they didn’t? First and foremost I absolutely know autism is not the end of the world. I’m mostly concerned about getting the extra help if needed as early as possible as I know that takes time. My first daughter was VERY advanced at 12 months (she could easily keep up with her 15 month old cousins and did everything they could do) My second daughter seems to me to be delayed/ or very content and easy lol. It could very well be I’m just comparing which I try hard not to. She responds to her name 50% of the time when she used to respond all the time. I think she could just be distracted. She will follow pointing and look but doesn’t point yet. She doesn’t bring me toys but she’s also not walking yet (she’s a large baby) I obviously have talked to her pediatrician about my concerns but she said the things I’m concerned about aren’t real concerns until about 15 months. She eats all solids sleeps great and does seek me or dad out when she wants to be held or needs something. She also yells NA (no) when I put her down if she doesn’t want to be put down. I guess my main concern is lack of imitating. She loves peek a boo but doesn’t try and play back. I’ll show her how to use a toy and she doesn’t seem to care. She loves to be tickled and will grab my hand towards her belly if she wants me to continue or makes a kissing sound when I kiss her. Am I just expecting too much of her? Since Covid started I have been a sahm full time and my husband thinks I am just over thinking. What are your thoughts? Or if you do have a child with autism what are signs you noticed at 12 months? Thanks for reading my rambling! Please no negative feedback as I am just genuinely just looking for a little clarity with out using dr google.

Edit: I did forget to add that she also has no interest in clapping and will wave randomly but not consistent. She’ll watch me do these things but again not much interest in imitating.