Breastfeeding expert?? Need help!


I need some help and thought I would try here before calling L&D for the consultant.

My son is 6 days old and we are having a terrible time at night. My milk came in a few days ago and he nurses great during the day and my flow seems to be good. He eats about every two hours and is very content between feedings but nighttime is whole different story.

He doesn’t seem satisfied at night and wants to nurse continuously and if he isn’t nursing he just cries and fusses, he wants nothing to do with his paci at night, just wants to eat. We’ve had to give him a bottle a few times just to get him to calm down because no matter how long I nurse (have gone two hours a cpl times straight nursing) he just doesn’t seem satisfied. I feel like my flow is too slow at night or I’m not producing like I do during the day. Giving him formula makes me feel inadequate and is the last thing I want to do. I’m not pumping yet they said not to until he’s at least 2-3 weeks old and I don’t want nipple confusion either. He spits up the formula each time we have given it to him even the sensitive stuff his doc gave us. She said because of his nighttime feeding he seems to have stalled and we have to go back to monitor his weight just to be on the safe side even tho he gained 4oz since being home.

I’m just at a loss about this nighttime issue.

Has anyone gone through this and found a resolution without having to supplement? Please help me figure this out. Breastfeeding him and getting this right is so important to me. I’m already dealing with guilt from his birth that I just haven’t been able to shake so breastfeeding makes me feel like I am doing the best for him and me. Message me or just point me in the right direction please any experts here who can help.

Thank you ladies.