He hit me

So about 2 weeks ago, the day before Labor Day. I got in a head on collision, then was rear ended from the back. I broke my back in two places. Fast forward, my boyfriend took me home and has been taking good care of me for the most part. Until Thursday about 5 days ago. We had got into a fight over texts because I asked if one of my friends could come visit me since I’m still in bed rest pretty much. (I can go to the restroom that’s all I can tolerate pain wise) Anyway, over the day it just kept getting worse and when he finally got home he just ignored me. He then posted on Snapchat, “ great weather and I’m stuck at home” I messaged him and said “go out with your friends I’ve been home alone all day anyway” he told me no he had to be here in case I need help. I then wake up from a nap I was in pain so I took my pain meds it was 7:40p.m. And he came in yelling at me saying I need to eat or I’m not getting anymore meds. I told him I didn’t have a appetite, so I guess I go without them. And he got pissed and slammed the bedroom door. So then I got pissed I got up and slammed the bathroom door and turned on the shower so he couldn’t here me cry.

Not even a full 2 mins later he tries to open up the bathroom door, which I had locked. So the he started punching the door and said “you better fucking open this door Emily” so I walked (more of a hobble) to the door and unlocked it. He then punched me in my jaw it cut my lip open and i started bleeding. The next day it was bruised. Then he took my brand new phone and threw it on the ground, picked it up and kept smashing it until it was in pieces. After I walked out of the bathroom and he threw me on the bed. I screamed out in pain because my back hurt. The I stood up and punched him back. And he walked out. And that was it.

I shouldn’t of hit him back but I was tired of getting thrown like a rag doll. I guess this post had two questions. First. Do you guys think once a guy hits you it will happen again? And second what should I do? I have no where else to go and my mom is older so she can’t take care of me. Once I’m all healed up I can stay with her. But I don’t know what to do.