39+3 Sweep question

This is my 3rd baby and I’ve never had a membrane sweep before. At my 39 week check my midwife said the dreaded words “no progress”. I am still 1 cm dilated and she said I was barely 50% effaced. But my cervix was a little softer than last time. She suggested a sweep, and I reluctantly said yes cause I’ve read on here they can be painful. And yeah, it was very uncomfortable. She said she could only do one side (?). So she gave me a very brief rundown of what may or may not happen afterwards. So far I’d say my main thing is tightness in my back and my stomach is hard as a rock with very little brown spotting. I already lost my mucus plug on Friday (9/18) and Saturday ( 9/19). My question is has anyone had a sweep done at 1cm and already lost their plug and went into labor? How effective is the sweep? If all else fails I’m scheduled for induction 10/1 I am trying to avoid that but babies have minds of their own. I am currently walking and using my pregnancy ball. Any feedback is appreciated 🥰🥰🥰