

I am currently 39+2. Yesterday I had an appointment and was excited to hear that I’m almost 3 cm and 80% effaced. My doctor was gentle but warned me that I may spot or even bleed, but not to worry unless I was filling a maxi pad. So after my exam I went to use the restroom when leaving and when I went to flush, realized there was a small bloody glob in the toilet and that I had dripped blood on the floor. I sat for a few minutes and the bleeding slowed way down to just a tiny bit. This continued throughout the day and I started having constant cramping and losing large chunks of bloody mucous(still not sure if this was my bloody show or just from the exam). I have been losing large pieces of my mucous plug for the past 2 weeks. Well anyways I felt better for a few hours and then by the end of the evening I was having contractions. I would say nearly 5 minutes apart and they were probably a minute long. I was thinking about going in but wanted to make sure it didn’t stop. I tried to get some sleep and kept waking up with contractions and I was almost certain I would be going into labor. But then I rested my eyes and woke up in the morning feeling fine! Has anyone else had a false alarm like this?