Will cities shrink after Covid if working from home becomes the norm?


My SO and I were just talking about Covid and how with so many people working from home and it working just fine, a lot of experts are saying that the way we work will fundamentally change with working from home being the new norm for some professions (office workers and the like, obviously not everyone has the ability to work from home).

He said he wonders if cities will shrink if people are given the option to work remotely since so many people move into to city for work.

For example, we moved to the city we live in 6 years ago for my job. I work in an office and have been working from home since March. Before the pandemic I’d have work events every few weeks that are now all virtual, but other than that my job is essentially the same. We’ve been talking about wanting to move closer to family after we have a baby and hopefully I can keep my job when we do so since I’m our breadwinner. We’re hoping I’ll be able to make the case that I should be allowed to move and keep my position since I’ve proven during Covid that I can work remotely just as well as I did when I worked in the office.

I however said I think most people who live in the city prefer to city due to family ties or identifying with the culture of the city.

I definitely prefer living in a city regardless of my job, while he prefers a smaller town (we both grew up in small towns).

If you live in the city for your job would you move to a less populated area if you could?

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