5 weeksish

Elizabeth • Girl mom with baby number 2 on the way!

This app says I’m 5+1 but another app says I’m 5+3, either way I’m in the 5 weeks range. The only thing I have experienced (so far) is EXTREME fatigue and sometimes I have to pee....A LOT. This pregnancy is already so much different than my first. The peeing frequently didn’t happen at all with my daughter. My boobs are soooo tender and they never were last time. Also I have heartburn so bad, which I didn’t have until late pregnancy last time.

I just have a hard time allowing myself to be excited because I’m so scared of what could happen.

First ultrasound is October 5th and I got put on progesterone Monday and had labs drawn this morning. I had to take progesterone with my daughter as well so I’m glad my doctor was on top of it. She did say that my hcg was perfect at 1500 (this was from last Friday).

Anyways, just wanted to say hi all! Baby number 2 due last full week of May!