Blue dye is all anyone has in store right now...


It's always fun to pretend it's real, until it's not. This was at the 4 minute mark. At 2 minutes it was darker, but it faded some. It's not a patchy line. It seems full and whatnot. Maybe tomorrow when my pink dyes come in it'll be on them too 🤞. Also this was SMU, but it was like a 5 hour hold and my pee was finally dark and not clear lol. I thought it would finally be a more reliable result considering that lol. Also look at what the damn instruction paper has the nerve to say lol. "It does not matter if one of the lines that make up the "+" symbol is lighter or darker than the other." IF ONLY WE COULD ALL BELIEVE THAT FAT LIE AND TRUST THESE!!!!!

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