Abuse and custody

We have 3 kids under 3. He has been very verbally abusive to me and our oldest son. He’s a grade A narcissist and I’ve been scared to leave him bc he was a cop and threatened ALL kinds of things and basically told me who they gonna believe u or a cop. Very corrupt town btw so very believable. Any how I eventually talked him into leaving and going over the road truck driving but he ended up having to resign due to a complaint. But he was leaving anyway so wasn’t really looked into.

So now he’s over the road and I’m trying to get my ducks in a row. Verbal abuse is EXTREMELY hard to prove and he was very good and very convincing to others and always made sure I wasn’t around a phone or anything when he’d do/say things.

And no he’s in his I’m so sorry I’ve changed phase. And he’s a SMOOTH TALKER. I’m so scared he can get even joint custody. Everyone keeps telling me don’t fully keep the kids from him to just shoot for supervised visitation. But I don’t think anyone fully understands the extent. And he’s VERY convincing when he says he’s changed but I know it’s only a matter of time.

Where can I start/what do I do? I have contacted a lawyer and have an apt next week and a child psychologist but they said I have to file a police report in my parish before they can look/talk to him. But I’m scared to file a report as to what he’ll do if he finds out. He’s never been physical with me but I don’t put it past him he’s very psycho